If you’re a teacher in the Salinas Union High School District, you’re better off in SVFT. Reach out to your site leadership to receive your Membership Forms and all the benefits that come with being a part of SVFT!
The best bargaining tool we have to negotiate good contracts for members is 100% membership. Joining = better contracts!
Collective strength also means we can do a better job of making sure our members’ rights are respected, and that everyone is treated fairly.
Because we believe that members have the right to be judged based on their behavior as human beings, on their relations to their fellow human beings, and on their conduct as union members, we fight against racism, sexism, ageism, homophobia, and discrimination based on job classifications.
We lobby the local school board, other local elected officials, state legislators, and the United States Government’s elected officials to act in ways that benefit our working conditions, our students’ learning conditions, and a fair and just society where everyone has an equal opportunity to achieve to their greatest potential.
You get to vote in union elections for representation and contract ratification votes.
Plus, you get access to lots of great benefits, like the ones listed below:
AFT PLUS Insurance: www.aftplusinsurance.com
AFT PLUS questions: www.aft.org/aftplus
AFT Home Page: www.aft.org
Big Deal Book: 1-800-650-0034 www.bigdealbook.com/aft
Credit Card: http://www.upcard.com
Legal: 1-888-993-8886 http://www.unionprivilege.org
Discount Dining: 1-877-491-DINE (3463), call us for code. http://www.idine.com
Mortgage: http://www.chase.com
Hotel Royal Plaza: http://www.royalplaza.com
Subscriptions: 1-800-877-7238 http://www.buymags.com/aft
Theme Parks and Car Rental: http://www.aft.org/aftplus/parkpkg.html
AFT Plus Bookstore: http://www.aftbooks.org/store/
Education First Educational Tours: 1-800-807-9020 http://www.eftours.com
Explore America: 1-800-503-2323 http://www.efamerica.com
Go Ahead Vacations: 1-800-438-7672 http://www.goaheadvacations.com
Tax Guide: 1-877-569-8299 e-mail: etps@aol.com
AFT Insurance: 1-800-272-4AFT (4238)
Home Mortgage: 1-800-981-3798
Loan: 1-888-235-2759
AFT MasterCard: Customer Service: 1-800-622-2580 / To apply by phone: 1-800-522-4000
Dental and Vision: 1-800-257-8352
Ear Care: 1-800-766-3363
Prescription: 1-800-228-3523
Flowers: 1-888-667-7779
Theme parks and Car Rental: 1-800-238-1133 x8643
Magazine Discounts: 1-800-877-7238
Motor Club: 1-888-330-8801
Hotels (Member Benefit #20952)
Days Inn: 1-800-268-2195
Howard Johnson: 1-800-769-0939
Knights Inn: 1-800-682-1071
Ramada: 1-800-462-8035
Travelodge: 1-800-545-5545
Villager: 1-888-821-5779
Car Rentals
Alamo Car Rental: 1-800-354-2322
Budget Car Rental: 1-800-455-2848
National Car Rental: 1-800-CAR-RENT (227-7368)